Monday, 16 April 2007

Rick Doty has The Truth

Here's a dialogue I had recently with Rick Doty - Ex AFOSI ( and to his credit) one of the major players in the Aviary. It went like this...

Dan Smith, Jack Sarfatti, Lee (OM),Richard Davis, Victor Martinez, Surfer Doc, John Hicks, Chris Iversen, Bob Collins, Eric Davis, Rick Doty, Paul McGovern, Gene Loscowski, Ernie Kellerstrass, Kit Green, and I, were discussing the alledged incredible disclosure coming from deep within the USG/CIA via (alledgedly) Ron Pandolfi - the actual article is referenced here:

Virtual Table Tennis: Some pretty amazing revalations were apparently coming forth, not least, the supposed story behind the 'Ocelot & Ferret' trips down to Los Alamos to bring back updates on some special 'Visitors' of the USG. Now some of the 'old guard' of the Aviary (and elsewhere) were getting pretty hot under the collar about these latest developments - understandably - let's face it, some of those guys had been at the rock-face for nigh on 30 years +, and faced knock-back after knock-back. Then these new guys from OM ( come on the block and seemingly within a mere year hit the mother load. Yeah, they have every right to feel pissed off...

Anyway, Rick Doty was one of them - instead of joining in playing some good shots, the guy just bangs his hands on the table and kicks off a hulabaloo, hardly making friends or influencing people... So, after about 250kb of in depth dialogue and front-line insight, officer Doty comes into ping-pong game with:

"I know the truth. I don't play with amateurs."

So I ask him,

"Could you please tell us what it is?"

Surprisingly, given his reticentce to contribute up until this point, Rick responds...

"Do you actually think I would related the "TRUTH" to someone I don't know and over an insecure means such as the Internet?"

Excellent, at least we are having some sort of dialogue... OK, so let's play this carefully and with some respect.

So I respond... My serve:

"Why not - what's the big secret still in 2007? There is no such thing as security anyway. The TRUTH is for everyone, and after 60+ years, "security" is running a little thin as an excuse not to disclose. We already know ETs are still here, there was an exch-prog back in the 70s, and the ET's went back on the deal. That's no secret. Do you know more than that? Go on, please. Do - The Right Thing. We're all share the same planet. Don't we?"

Still not cutting me off, just yet - Rick kindly returns with a back-hand and top-spin accross the court...

"It is a lot more complicated then just that. That is why I said, "I don't play with amateurs" You obviously have never served in the military, kept secrets or had an allegiance to your country.". he says

Love - 40, Game point.

My serve:

"Humanity is my allegiance. Secrets are for controling humanity. This is NOT about National security anymore. It's about International security. You know that as well as I do, so let's not hide behind that. Please."

With a back-spin volley...

"Like I said, I don't play with amateurs if you don't think the entire Enigma isn't National Security related."

Game to Doty.

Not much of a match of course, and Ricks returns were pretty dull, no real quality or content. I was pretty unimpressed. Still I can look forward to a pre-recorded match due to be shown on BBC1 this summer. Apparently, so I hear, it's more about the AFOSI deal of disinfo and poor Mr Bennewitz rather than flying saucers and such.

Hey-ho! Back to the more interesting disclosure business of the 21stC .... more later!

Pando-Modium Operandi

The following commentary does not represent anyone's opinion, other than my own.

The following is all made up. I dreamt it. It is completely false. ....... or not.

Who to believe is telling the truth... an independent, non-invested researcher who I'vo been got to know on a daily basis for over a year now, or a professional obfusticator?

Some years ago, a well known physicist told me about some artefact that he had handled which had come from a "downed UFO" recovered in Brazil. I published that - no problem. Great! These guys were starting to talk to grass-roots activists and researchers. Had the spirit of Glasnost reached Langley, Virginia? The only way of testing that hypothesis was to continue with the research...

Last year, a 'Deep Insider' told me how disclosure was "very complex". I have it on record as him saying that it was " a multi billion dollar operation", going "all the way to the top of the USG." He told me shed loads, in fact. The only thing was, right at the end, he signed off with two infuriating little words..... "...or not." Some of these fish are slippery, and some more slippery than others. In effect what he told me was, 'here's the deal - but you can't use it for any serious intent.' - OK, I thought, well at least that gives me something to work with. So I responded by thanking him and assuring him that I of course respected any conditions he was bound by.... *wink* *wink* ... and left it at that. That was over a year ago...

The other day, my independent and non-invested colleague, mentioned above, told me of a similar dialogue he had recently had with another 'Deep Insider'. This time the DI confirmed some issues related to above - but in particular, spoke about the cats who prowled Los Alamos, the cats who had an interest in the 'rare birds' noted in the Collins and Smith annals of para-ornithology. Wow! *Big* news!, I thought... How would the community react to this? Hysteria? Cognitive dissonance? Maybe. Let's see... Funny thing was, the guy who really couldn't take it in was the very same
physicist who I have on record as saying talking about "contact" and handling complex composite material from outer-space. So anyway, this same guy gets hold of the DI and presumably gives him the "WTF?!" treatment... and a few minutes later my non-invested neutral gets a 're-vision from said DI, essentially playing the "...or not" card.

So the 'general audience' only get to look inside the bag - and once more, the cat is nowhere to be seen.

Another guy, a 'friend of a DI, tells me that - 'no matter, the cat is out of the bag - and this is but a pregnant pause'. So I tell him it's more like Schrödinger's half-empty promise and let's hope it isn't a swamp cat who has a taste for fish...

.... or not.