Gary Bekkum wrote an article for American Chronicle recently entitled The Spy Who Exposed Himself, a fascinating insight into the supposed 'Deep Insiders'- a shadowy group of 'highest level' USG inside sources, seemingly prepared to communicate via a 'nod nod' / 'wink wink' and "... but don't quote me on that" basis.
These DI's seem to confirm that there are issues worth being aware about regarding the 'UFO cover-up' and surrounding areas. No one can confirm the often hinted at 'Terrible Truth' - it seems that the message underlying all this may be: "Now we've got your attention, you just might like to think about how catastrophic any full and complete disclosure could be to any unprepared populace, nation, religion."
Dan Smith, is the name of a 'well-connected' man. He has sometimes named names, but those names are hidden amid code-names of 'bird' or 'fish' (Aviary and Aquarium). It was Dan Smith who arranged for one of the Open Minds Co-Administrators to talk directly, in an extend conversation to Dan's current #1 DI. The same insider Gary Bekkum refers to as 'the person who cannot be named'.
The discussion of the exact content and intention of that conversation is still on-going, although there was definitely some mention of direct UFO related matters. What it did do was at least confirm that Dan Smith was being truthful about the relationship he had with this *very* DI.
What has this got to do with UFOs? UFOs seem to be part of the 'bait' to get the populace to look into Pandora's Box of possible future events and to start to think about how that is going to be dealt with. Dan freely admits that he is NOT a Ufologist. He is an Eschatologist. His 'Best Possible Worlds Hypothesis' has UFOs as being part of the symbolic interaction necessary for human consciousness to survive the 'trip' to the supposed coming 'Paradigm Inversion'. We need to learn to 'think outside of the box' - seems to be part of the message.
Dan seems to think he has a role delivering this 'sanctioned message'
Open Minds Forum interviewed Dan Smith in mid May 2007 and asked him questions which might shed some light on what it IS exactly that Disclosure is all about. Listen to Part 1. Listen to part 2.
Dan says that we are at a point where assimilation programs will and already are taking place with the complete co-operation of the media, Govt 'blind-eye' or sanctioning Disclosure. There certainly does seem to be a UFO 'flap' going on during the months leading up to this article. We have recently witnessed, O'Hare UFO, The Guernsey UFO, The C2C 'Crown of Thorns UFO' and various other sightings - unprecedented in number and quality.
He seems to suggest though, that this is just part of the 'show' - just enough to get people thinking about paradigm shifts in consciousness. Was 'Serpo' part of this 'roll-out' program? Possibly, it certainly succeeded in getting the discussions ignited and lead to other 'things' falling into place. Indeed, without Serpo - it is quite possible that Dan Smith would have much of an audience today. And make no mistake, Dan Smith has a BIG audience - maybe just a 'few thousand' regular (daily) disciples (!) - But there is more, Dan intends to get coverage of The Best Possible World Hypothesis in a Major US publication. Major. Dan has set his sights, and has the clout (and grease) to shift some heavy wheels into motion. At first to direct the interest back to *this* media - the Internet, but Dan's Plan, it seems, is part of a much larger and complex machine already rumbling ahead. Dan wants to 'blow the horn' as she's comin' 'round the mountain. It seems.
If you listen to Dan on the MP3 referenced here he goes into detail about how the 'material' world is coming into conflict with the 'metaphysical/magical/mystical' world during these 'End Times'. Apparently part of the trauma we could experience is the transition between the two. He alludes to 'disturbing' messages yet to be faced - is this trauma really necessary in Human evolution? - Yes, according to Dan. And with that he will then readily rationalise a holocaust as being a 'necessary evil'. Of course most people have cognitive dissonance at anything describing itself as a necessary evil. Evil cannot be necessary. Surely to God, he can't be serious? He is. Very.
From what I have heard recently, the story behind the Dan Smith Best Possible World will be hitting the major newsstands this summer....
You read it here first!
To read Dan Smith's Blog - click 'here'.
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