A UFO and alien occupants were shot at by Russian special military forces in a confrontation northwest of Ceremchova ICBM site 62 (Saskylach-Kovo)on the 12th January 1985, according to a remarkable report leaked from one of the USG 'Deep Insiders'known as 'Request Anonymous'. This ground-breaking disclosure - codeworded: 'SEVEN PRINCE - SUMMARY OF INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES / REPORT OF CONTACT - STATION: RA-49 - SOURCE: CAC-049-0031' - was put into the public domain on 21st August 2007, apparently as part of an ongoing multi-billion dollar operation initiating full public (until now exempt from) disclosure of Extraterrestrial contact during the last 50+ years.
A Russian 'Gate 3' shooting?
Recently, we had the disclosures coming from ex-Area 51 Special Ops staff who were involved in the shooting of an Alien 'guest' at Area 51 - which culminated in the death of one security gate guard. The incident has become known as the 'Gate 3 Incident'( see American Chronicle )

These seemingly incredible disclosures fit into the pattern of 'nods' and 'whispers' taking place from the elder statesmen of the intelligence community. This group has become known by those researching these disclosures as the 'DIA 6'. It has been suggested that an 'Official' sanctioned disclosure is being heralded by this vanguard of 'old timers' (DIA 6) - who are perhaps being cut some 'slack' from the 'Handlers' in order to allow these ex-soldiers and 'spooks' a Requiem of sorts - an acknowledgement that such Dark Secrets do not go the grave and in recognition of their brave services in a unique period of human history.
....or, not.
That, is a decision only the dedicated researcher / historian must make for themselves after looking at the evidence in total. Further sources and links for those interested will follow in this article.
Glossary of terms used in the disclosure coming from 'Request Anonymous'
CAC: Controlled Agency Contact
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency
CO: CIA Case Officer
CRAFT: alien spacecraft
FAC: Foreign Agency Contact
HQ: Headquarters
KGB: Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (Committee for State
NOC: Non-Official Cover (NO diplomatic immunity extended)
NSA: National Security Agency
OCCUPANTS: alien beings
PG: Polygraph
RA-049: Moscow CIA Station
CAC-049-0031: Reporting station for Controlled Agency Contact [49]
followed by his number [31]
What follows is the text of the report put into the public domain as of 21st August, 2007 - via one of the DIA 6 - AKA 'Request Anonymous'.
The full details, including photographs of the report can be found at the Open Minds forum and the Serpo website.
"On 22 Jan 85, CAC made contact through agent-communication-device-AN23,
signaling the CO that a contact was requested. On 23 Jan 85, the SC
approved a plan to conduct a closed interview of CAC at site 4-SO-P-6.
The CO, with the assistance of CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5 and NOCS-223 and
NOCS-101, made contact with CAC. The counter-surveillance report is
Contact was made at site 6. A polygraph (SC requested a routine PG) was
administered. NO deception was noted. The entire interview was recorded
both on audio and video by CO3. The language used during the interview
was in Russian. CAC advised of the following:
On 12 Jan 85, while working normal duties at Regional II, Soviet
Control Center Command, CAC was informed of an incident at the Ceremchovo ICBM facility involving a UFO. Specific information was requested by Command
Central. CAC read the initial cable from the on-scene Soviet commander.
The initial cable reported that a UFO had landed northwest of missile
site K3. Soviet military personnel responded to the scene. A
dark-colored UFO was found on the ground east of the missile command
facility. One missile technician was standing near the east boundary,
looking at the UFO. As Soviet military personnel came within close
proximity of the UFO, two (2) occupants of the craft exited through a
door. The occupants approached the east perimeter fence of K3.
Soviet military personnel challenged the occupants to stop. Three (3)
of the four (4) occupants stopped. The fourth occupant continued to
advance towards the fence. One Soviet Military Security official fired
several rounds from an AK-47a rifle, hitting the occupant. The occupant
fell to the ground.
The three (3) other occupants advanced towards the injured occupant and
retrieved the body. The four (4) returned to the craft. Approximately 2
minutes later, an opening appeared on the side of the craft. A
BLUISH-GREEN BEAM OF LIGHT came out of the craft and struck an
unoccupied jeep, COMPLETELY VAPORIZING IT. As the author of the report
being read by CAC stated, the JEEP JUST DISAPPEARED.
An armored vehicle moved up towards the craft and fired a volley of
12.7mm rounds at the craft. The craft was struck near the undercarriage.
The four (4) occupants, minus the injured occupant, exited the craft
and walked towards the Soviet military personnel. As one of the on-scene
commanders stated, the four (4) occupants did NOT appear to be afraid.
They approached the armored vehicle and sat on the ground. Soviet
commanders on scene assumed the occupants were surrendering.
Several attempts were made to communicate with these occupants using
the Russian language. The occupants did not seem to understand the speaker.
The occupants were carried to a jeep and transported to the
Saskylach-Kovo Military Barracks, Building Number 45. (Note: CAC-049-63
had reported Building Number 45 was KGB headquarters for Region II,
command center. This information was verified by NSA source Echo-3.)
The occupants were placed inside detention cells, one (1) occupant per
cell. CAC arrived at Saskylach-Kovo Military Barracks, Building Number
45 on 13 Jan 85. CAC was allowed to enter each cell and attempt to
communicate with the occupants. CAC used English, French and German
languages. The occupants would appear to listen while CAC was speaking,
but would not answer. The occupants appeared to be very passive.
Two (2) other KGB officials, one speaking Spanish and the other
speaking English, attempted to communicate, but to no avail. The Soviet Military
Command Center commander advised that Moscow was requesting the
occupants be flown to Military Barracks 10 (intelligence historical
records indicate Barracks 10 was located in Obninsk, south of Moscow).
On 14 Jan 85, at approximately 0630 hours, the CELLS where the
OCCUPANTS were located were EMPTY. NO signs of a forcible exit was observed. The CRAFT, which was being guarded by the elite Soviet Border Patrol Branch
G, ALSO DISAPPEARED. CAC reported Soviet KGB officials took over 100
PHOTOGRAPHS and one (1) video recording of the occupants. CAC provided
25 copies of the photographs to this [CIA] CO.
ANALYSIS – SOURCE: CAC is well known to HQ. He has reported RELIABLE
information for the past 22 years. CAC is the best deep access agent
available to our operating location. The information provided by CAC is
somewhat UNBELIEVABLE based on the SUBJECT MATTER.
However, this CO feels the information warrants further study. CO feels
additional assets should be directed towards the target area to confirm
CAC's information. Examination of the photographs revealed the
occupants DID NOT APPEAR TO BE HUMANS. We will allow HQ analysts to make a more accurate interpretation of these photographs.
After conferring with the SC, the CO will plan a course of action to
determine the reliability of CAC and the credibility of the information
provided by CAC. Sierra report will accompany this report.
[BLACKED OUT information.]

So is this nonsense, a hoax, or part of the hypothetical Disclosure Business hinted at by the Deep Insiders over the last eighteen months? This is not the first incredible UFO story of 2007 - we have already witnessed the reports of an upsurge of international UFO reports during the last twelve months - we have seen the California Drones, we have read about the CARET ("Commercial Applications Research for Extra-terrestrial Technology")project, we have heard about the death of a Wackenhut security guard and an Alien at Area 51 during the 'Gate 3 Incident' - and now we have a similar incident reported above which took place in Russia in 1985.
One thing is for sure, the UFO / Alien phenomena is certainly not fading away - indeed, given the above it seems we may be approaching a 'Glasnost' in terms of previous secret / dark history. But with that may come some knowledge and truths about our history and place in the cosmos - but the reality of 'Close Encounters' may turn out to be darker than Steven Spielberg ever imagined.
For further details - see the full report at Open Minds.