CARET: UFOs are ours NOT 'Alien'?
[...]I will say that there's almost no way to describe the impact this kind of revelation has on your mind. There are very few moments in life in which your entire world view is turned forever upside down, but this was one of them. I still remember that turning point during the briefing when I realized what he'd just told us, and that I hadn't heard him wrong, and that it wasn't some kind of joke. In retrospect the whole thing feels like it was in slow motion, from that slight pause he took just before the term “extra-terrestrial” came out for the first time, to the way the room itself seemed to go off kilter as we collectively tried to grasp what was being said. My reflex kept jumping back and forth between trying to look at the speaker, to understand him better, and looking at everyone else around me, to make sure I wasn't the only one that was hearing this. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, it's a lot like a child learning his parents are divorcing. I never experienced that myself, but a very close friend of mine did when were boys, and he confided in me a great deal about what the experience felt like. A lot of what he said would aptly describe what I was feeling in that room. Here was a trusted authority figure telling you something that you just don't feel ready for, and putting a burden on your mind that you don't necessarily want to carry. The moment that first word comes out, all you can think about it is what it was like only seconds ago, and knowing that life is never going to be as simple as it was then.
According to 'Isaac X' a claimed ex-DoD (Department of Defense) contractor who worked on a project which developed 'Extraterrestrial' technology for the benefit of the private sector, the kind of 'drone' type UFO's we have been seeing in 2007 - are possibly human constructions. At his website , Isaac explains that the 'UFO' look-a-like craft are becoming 'visible' due to interference with their own hi-tech camouflage ('cloaking' in Sci-Fi circles).
These crafts, assuming they're anything like the hardware I worked with in the 80's (assuming they're better, in fact), are equipped with technology that enables invisibility. That ability can be controlled both on board the craft, and remotely. However, what's important in this case is that this invisibility can also be disrupted by other technology. Think of it like radar jamming.
Mountain View/Sunnyvale, home to Moffett Field and the NASA Ames Research centre contains operations which have been 'jamming' the cloaking operations of these devices - according to Isaac X. Indeed, he says, these things have been happening on and off for a long time - it's just that more people have cameras at the ready to capture these apparitions.
UFOs with cloaking devices? USG / industry owned anti-gravity Aeriel objects which have been back-engineered from extraterrestrial sources? Most people reading such supposition are (understandably) prone to leaving the matter right there - or in the nearest dustbin.
So - Are you still reading this?
OK, then let's look at what this preposterous 'disclosure' is all about in more detail:
The largest 'public domain' discussion has a multitude of technicians, photography experts and ex-USG Intel operatives pulling what little thread they have apart and trying to come up with something understandable. Many opinions are offered. Fantastic insight given - but the enigma of the phenomena remains. These are early days - and according to Isaac himself, we can expect further 'disclosures' from the CARET archives in the near future.
If you go to Isaac X's website you will see a collection of the 2007 Californian 'drone' UFO pictures, together with an article by Isaac giving some background to his participation with the CARET project. In addition, Isaac provides some CARET documents and photographs of the objects / technology.
1. A page from an inventory review with a photo that appears to depict one of the parts found in the Rajman sighting and parts very similar to the Big Basin craft
2. The first 9 pages of one of our quarterly research reports
3. Scans of the original photographs used in that report, since the photocopies obscure most of the details
4. 5 pages from a report on our ongoing analysis of the “language” (inappropriately titled “linguistic analysis”), depicting the kind of diagram just barely visible on the underside of the Big Basin craft

Isaac says:
But things didn’t go as smoothly when it came to matters like access to classified information. They were exposing what is probably their single biggest secret to a group of people who had never even been through basic training and it was obvious that the gravity of this decision was never far from their minds. We started the program with a small set of extra-terrestrial artifacts along with fairly elaborate briefings on each as well as access to a modest amount of what research had already been completed. It wasn’t long before we realized we needed more though, and getting them to provide even the smallest amount of new material was like pulling teeth. CARET stood for “Commercial Applications Research for Extra-terrestrial Technology”, but we often joked that it should have stood for “Civilians Are Rarely Ever Trusted.”"
Right there is at least the most detailed and documented story of the 21st Century. If it is a 'hoax' it is a most extraordinary one, which would need the participation of artists, engineers, language experts and computer CGI/3D rendering specialists. And those specialists would have to be amongst the tiny minority of the worlds 'best' as the analysis so far has been unable to reproduce the reality of the objects pictured.
So what, exactly, is happening with all these 'disclosures' coming forth in 2007?
In truth, no one knows. But that does not stop the speculation flying! - Theories range from the most elaborate hoax in the history of Ufology to the hypothetical CARET program - supposedly a joint USG / Private sector enterprise. Putting aside the 'hoax' theory for now ( until we can establish some evidence to support such) we can look at the 'Disclosure Business Hypothesis'. The DBH says that these 'shows' are part of a 'sanctioned' program of information dissemination. Using mediums attached to 'plausible deniability' - supposed 'Core Truths' are being drip-fed into the public domain under the guise of something quite different to what they appear to be. Confusing? Well, according to the DBH it's meant to be! Such programs could theoretically include the ''Serpo' exchange program, the 'Chad' type UFOs, the 'Mile Wide' UFOs in the UK and the over-all huge on-going UFO 'flap' which kicked off last year. If the hypothesis is correct, then we can expect to see more and more of these 'shows'.
Back to Earth!
OK, so maybe it is just part of a huge and elaborate hoax being perpetrated my a unique group of skilled and well resourced / funded people from around the globe. If so, then what on Earth is the point? Is such concerted effort and expense worth it? And in these days of international instability such time-wasting tactics could play into the hands of terrorists and other people wanting to test or disrupt security channels.
So for many reasons, these 'shows' must be resolved soon, for once and for all. To join the research and discussion community, or just to look in more detail at these fascination 'disclosures' go to the Open Minds Forum.